The regulator used in the experiment is generally an autotransformer type contact regulator. It continuously regulates the output voltage from 0 to 250V. On a toroidal core made of a silicon steel sheet coil, a coil wound with a high-strength enameled wire doubles as a primary and secondary coil. One end of the coil is connected to the terminals 1, 4, which is the common end of the input and output. There are two taps at 11/25 and 22/25 of the entire number of turns of the coil, which are connected to the terminals 2, 3 respectively. A sliding brush that is pressed against the coil is connected to the terminal 5. When using an AC 220V power supply, the input wires are connected to both ends of 1, 3. When using a 110V AC power supply, the input wires are connected to both ends of 1, 2 and 2. The entire coil obtains an equal value of the turn-to-turn voltage per turn. Rotating the hand wheel on the panel, the position of the sliding brush on the coil changes, changing the number of coupling turns, can get different output voltages between 0 and 250V between the terminals 4, 5. The contact regulator has high efficiency, good waveform and voltage regulation characteristics, and is easy to use.
Precautions for use
The input and output of the voltage regulator share a coil (there may be a danger of high voltage being introduced into the low voltage side). When using it, pay great attention to safety. The input neutral line (contact with the test pencil is not illuminated) should be connected to the terminal 1 On the upper part, even if the output voltage is low voltage, the human body cannot touch the conductive part of the wire or the electric appliance, and the outer casing of the voltage regulator should be properly grounded. A transformer that regulates the output voltage value within a certain range. Commonly used are contact regulators and inductive regulators. The former is an adjustable autotransformer, which is similar to a wire wound asynchronous motor in which the rotor is at rest. Commonly used in electrical testing and regulating voltage in the laboratory.
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