900M-TK tip


Technical area universal board _ hole board use welding skills (precautions) no heat gun how to take the chip _ circuit board to remove the best way to solder iron power difference _ soldering iron power is the better _ soldering iron power The correct soldering of the soldering iron 5 steps _ the main points of the soldering iron welding technology summary of the difference between the soldering station and the soldering iron

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Various types of soldering iron tips

Various types of soldering iron tips use type I: Features: tip tip of the soldering iron. Applications: Suitable for fine welding, or welding...

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Various types of soldering iron tips
Tip type selection

Tips for choosing the tip type: There are many sizes of soldering irons, but there are four types that can be summarized: pointed, flat, horseshoe and knife. selected...

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Tip type selection
How to properly maintain and extend the life of the tip

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Published on 2010-02-27 12:30 • 627 readings
How to properly maintain and extend the life of the tip
Tips for soldering iron lead-free soldering

Lead-free soldering tips for soldering iron heads 1. Lead-free soldering problems: High melting point (higher than Sn, Pb solder 30-...

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Tips for soldering iron lead-free soldering
Why is the 380 °C soldering iron not on the tin?

Why is it not absolutely impossible for the 380 °C soldering iron to not be tinned on the 380 °C soldering iron? Then why do customers respond with 936 welding...

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Why is the 380 °C soldering iron not on the tin?
Tip type selection

Tips for choosing the tip type: There are many sizes of soldering irons, but there are four types that can be summarized: pointed, flat, horseshoe and knife. selected...

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Tip life

The service life of the soldering iron head We talk about the service life of the lead-free soldering iron tip, first talk about the lead-free and lead-tin solder melting point problem. There is lead tin (commonly known as 63 tin)...

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Tip life
Temperature measurement of lead-free soldering iron tips

Temperature measurement of lead-free soldering irons The temperature of manual lead-free soldering is very important, which is a key indicator affecting the service life of lead-free soldering iron tips.

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Temperature measurement of lead-free soldering iron tips
Why is the tip always running up the tin?

Why is the soldering iron always running up? There is a customer reaction. What is the reason why the soldering iron head is running up when using it? Before answering this question, I let everyone

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Why is the tip always running up the tin?
What kind of material does the tip consist of?

What kind of material is the soldering iron tip? The soldering iron tip is mainly composed of four kinds of metal materials: copper, iron, nickel, chromium and tin. Copper - as...

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What kind of material does the tip consist of?
The reason why the soldering iron is corroded

The reason why the soldering iron is corroded is that the iron plating is generally iron-nickel-chromium-tin. The iron plating is the key to the quality of the soldering iron. At high temperatures, iron and tin will generate a...

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The reason that affects the life of the tip

Reasons for affecting the life of the tip 1. Whether the tip is always maintained. 2. Welding set temperature. The higher the temperature, the tip

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The reason that affects the life of the tip
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