How to open eip file, how to open eip format file
EIP files are grouped files of QQ emoticons.
The file type of the emoticon package is EMOTION Package
So, how to use the expression of Tencent QQ? How to install emoticons into QQ emoticons?
Tencent's emoji file provides two emoji installation methods:
A. Double-click the emoticon file, choose whether to import the group information, and automatically import the emoticon set.
B. Click "Add custom expression" in the expression box to enter the expression manager; select "Import", select the expression file, and import emoticons in batches.
Among them, the first double-click method is suitable for your QQ installation version. If it is the green version, the installation is not performed, that is, the system is not registered with the eip file, so you cannot double-click to import. If you are using the green version, then you can choose the second method to import QQ expressions.
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