Light-emitting diodes are simply referred to as LEDs. A diode made of a compound of gallium (Ga) and arsenic (AS) or phosphorus (P) emits visible light when electrons and holes recombine, and thus can be used to form a light emitting diode. Used as an indicator light in circuits and instruments, or as a text or digital display. The gallium arsenide diode emits red light, the gallium phosphide diode emits green light, and the silicon carbide diode emits yellow light. It is a type of semiconductor diode that converts electrical energy into light energy; often abbreviated as LED. Like ordinary diodes, LEDs consist of a PN junction and also have unidirectional conductivity. When a forward voltage is applied to the light-emitting diode, holes injected from the P region into the N region and electrons injected into the P region from the N region are respectively separated from the electrons of the N region and the P region within a few micrometers near the PN junction. The hole complexes to produce fluorescence of spontaneous radiation.
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