Digital multimeters are popular among radio enthusiasts because of their advantages of accurate measurement, convenient value, and complete functions. The most common digital meter has resistance measurement, on-off sound detection, and diode forward voltage measurement. AC DC voltage and current measurement, triode amplification and performance measurement. Some digital multimeters add functions such as capacitance capacity measurement, frequency measurement, temperature measurement, data memory and voice report, which bring great convenience to the actual inspection work. However, due to improper use of the digital meter, it is easy to cause damage to the components in the table during the actual detection, resulting in malfunction. Based on the actual situation that caused the digital multimeter to be damaged, I summed up the precautions for the use of the digital party meter for reference by beginners to prevent damage to the digital multimeter.
Digital multimeter damage is caused by measurement gear error in most cases. For example, when measuring AC mains, the measurement gear is selected to be placed in the electrical block. In this case, once the pen is in contact with the mains, the internal components of the multimeter can be caused in an instant. damage. Therefore, be sure to check that the measurement position is correct before using the multimeter. After use, place the measurement selection at 750V AC or 1000V DC, so that the next time you measure any parameter, it will not cause damage to the digital multimeter.
Some digital multimeters are damaged due to the measured voltage and current exceeding the range. If the utility power is measured in the AC 20V gear position, it is easy to cause damage to the digital multimeter AC amplification circuit, causing the multimeter to lose the AC measurement function. When measuring the DC voltage, the measured voltage exceeds the measurement range, which is also likely to cause circuit failure in the table. If the actual current value exceeds the range when measuring current, it usually only causes the fuse in the multimeter to blow, and will not cause other damage. Therefore, when measuring the voltage parameters, if you do not know the approximate range of the measured voltage, you should first put the measurement file at the highest level, and then measure the value and then shift the measurement to get a more accurate value. If the voltage value to be measured is far beyond the maximum range that the multimeter can measure, a high-resistance meter should be used. For example, detecting the second anode high voltage and the focusing high voltage of the black and white color TV.
Most digital multimeters have a DC voltage upper limit of 1000V. Therefore, when measuring DC voltage, the maximum voltage is below 1000V, which generally does not damage the multimeter. If it exceeds 1000V, it is likely to cause damage to the multimeter. However, the measurable voltage upper limits of different DMMs may vary. If the measured voltage is out of range, it can be measured by means of a resistor buck. In addition, when measuring DC high voltage of 40O ~ 1000V, the test pen and the measurement area must be in good contact, and there must be no jitter. Otherwise, in addition to the damage that may cause the multimeter to be damaged, the measurement may be inaccurate. display.
When measuring resistance, care should be taken not to measure live.
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